motivate example sentences

Related (10): inspire, encourage, stimulate, thrilled, incentivize, urge, provoke, kindle, ignite, invigorate

" motivate" Example Sentences

1. The big promotion motivated him to work even harder.
2. The coach motivated the players with an impassioned speech.
3. The reward system was meant to motivate students to study diligently.
4. Money alone does not always motivate workers to do their best.
5. His strong desire to help others motivated him to pursue a career in social work.
6. The teacher tried to motivate her uninterested students.
7. Her passion for language motivated her to become a writer.
8. The victim's story motivated the detective to find the criminal.
9. Recognition for a job well done can strongly motivate employees.
10. His dream of opening his own business motivated him to save every penny he could.
11. The chance to make a difference in the lives of others motivated her to continue volunteering.
12. She ignored the insults in order to motivate herself further.
13. Understanding what motives different employees can help managers get the most from their workers.
14. His teacher motivated him to apply to a prestigious university.
15. Her passion for children motivated her to become a teacher.
16. Intrinsic motivation often leads to more creativity than external rewards.
17. Her desire to prove them wrong motivated her to work even harder.
18. The comedian tried to motivate the listless audience with laughter.
19. Intellectual curiosity motivated him to continue his studies.
20. The CEO tried to motivate the employees with an inspirational vision for the future of the company.
21. A sense of duty motivated her to volunteer for the extra assignment.
22. They motivated the resentment in order to justify their revenge.
23. Challenging work can strongly motivate creative employees.
24. Her love of music motivated her to become a composer.
25. The difficulties only served to motivate her further.
26. The judge's harsh words did not motivate him but rather pushed him away further.
27. The coach tried to motivate her reluctant players.
28. Opportunity motivated him to move across the country for the new job.
29. The love of learning motivated him to become a professor.
30. Prospect of future success motivated her to endure the hard work and long hours.
31. The needs of homeless individuals motivated her to organize a charity event.
32. Fear motivates some, while others require inspiration.
33. Managers must understand what motives each employee to get the best work out of them.
34. The cause motivated the volunteers who worked long hours without pay.
35. Financial compensation alone does not always sufficiently motivate employees.
36. A desire for justice motivated her to become a criminal defense attorney.
37. Challenging work environments motivate some, while others prefer a slower pace.
38. The challenge motivated him to keep training and improving.
39. Seeing the positive impact of their work motivated the social workers.
40. The need to provide for his family motivated him to take a second job.
41. Her failures only motivated her to redouble her efforts.
42. Money alone cannot motivate all employees; some need more intrinsic rewards.
43. His love for literature motivated him to become a writer.
44. Positive reinforcement can strongly motivate young children to behave well.
45. A sense of adventure motivated her to quit her job and travel the world.
46. The goal motivated her to continue pushing forward despite setbacks.
47. A desire for social change motivated her to become an activist.
48. The opportunity to make an impact motivated him to start his own business.
49. Her love of learning motivated her to become a teacher.
50. Feedback and recognition strongly motivate many employees.

Common Phases

1. The opportunity to travel motivated him to work hard.
2. The teacher motivated her students with interesting lessons and encouragement.
3. Healthy competition motivated the athletes to train harder.
4. Money alone is not enough to motivate employees; they need to feel appreciated and have opportunities for growth.
5. The desire to help others motivated her to pursue a career in nursing.
6. His passion for the game motivated him to become a professional athlete.
7. The positive feedback from their customers motivated the startup team to keep going.
8. Their desire to make a difference in the world motivated them to start the non-profit organization.
9. Providing variety and challenges at work can help motivate employees.
10. Positive reinforcement can be a strong motivator for children.
11. Financial incentives can motivate some employees but not all.
12. His mentor's words of encouragement motivated him to keep pushing forward.
13. The prospect of better job opportunities motivated her to pursue higher education.
14. Looking at inspiring examples of others motivated her to pursue her dream.
15. The nonprofit motivates volunteers with a sense of purpose and making an impact.
16. Interesting projects and work that uses their skills well motivates the team members.
17. Good leadership motivates employees by setting clear goals and expectations.
18. To motivate my students, I try to make lessons hands-on and relevant to their lives.
19. Giving employees more autonomy and responsibility can help motivate them.
20. She motivated herself by remembering why she started down this path in the first place.
21. The coach motivated his players with tough love and high expectations.
22. The prospect of learning new skills motivated him to take the job.
23. The parent motivated her child to work hard with praise for good effort.
24. Achieving something meaningful motivates me far more than making money.
25. The CEO motivated the team with a compelling vision for the company's future.
26. Opportunities for growth and development motivate me more than a high salary.
27. Seeing the positive impact of her work motivated her to keep pushing on.
28. Positive feedback and praise motivate me more than criticism does.
29. The opportunity to help those in need motivated her to become a doctor.
30. Giving workers control over their schedules can often motivate them.
31. Their desire to achieve a lofty goal motivated the team members to push their limits.
32. The need to support his family motivated him to work hard and save money.
33. Her children motivate the mother to keep going despite challenges.
34. Pride in a job well done motivates me to do my very best work.
35. Sense of purpose and meaningful work motivates employees far more than money does.
36. Interesting and challenging work is highly motivating for me.
37. The need to provide for her sons motivated the single mother to work multiple jobs.
38. His love for the game motivated him to spend hours practicing every day.
39. The chance to pursue a passion project motivates me more than a paycheck.
40. The coach motivated her players by emphasizing team spirit and camaraderie.
41. Her mentor motivated her with words of encouragement and high expectations.
42. Achieving small wins along the way helps motivate me to keep working toward a bigger goal.
43. Giving people autonomy motivates them far more than micromanaging them.
44. The love and appreciation of fans motivates the athletes to keep improving.
45. She motivated herself by thinking of how much her work could help others.
46. The community motivates volunteers by showing gratitude and appreciation.
47. Autonomy, mastery, and purpose are strong intrinsic motivators for work.
48. His desire to set an example for his children motivated the father to work hard.
49. The chance to make a positive impact in the world motivates me to work harder.
50. Giving employees interesting problems to solve can motivate them.
51. The staff motivated the volunteers with meaningful, purposeful work.
52. The opportunity to learn new skills motivated her to take the job.
53. Seeing other people succeed motivated her to work harder toward her own goals.
54. His students motivated him to keep teaching by showing enthusiasm for learning.
55. Praise and recognition motivate me more than rewards ever could.
56. The will to persevere motivated the team through challenges and setbacks.
57. The need to prove his peers wrong motivated him to work harder than anyone else.
58. The company motivates employees with meaningful benefits, not just financial rewards.
59. She motivates herself forward by envisioning the impact her work could make.
60. The desire to please his parents motivated the son to work hard in school.

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